
12 Things Men Secretly Want From A Woman, But Rarely Are They Asked

Maintain the fire of passion

Of course, every man wants to feel desirable. They secretly dream that the passion from the other half does not fade away, so they are waiting for experiments and something new in the intimate sphere. And what about the girls? The longer the relationship lasts, the more difficult it is to maintain that flame of passion. Work, professional growth, household chores, shopping, parenting, and hundreds of other pressing matters are gradually engulfing couples.

A woman ceases to be that carefree and young that she used to be. Gradually, sex and passion recede into the background, feelings slowly fade away. But, it is never too late to shake up and change the habits that have developed in the family. Start experimenting, do what really pleases both of you. This approach will surprise and delight your loved one.

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