
Why People Often Meet the Love of Their Life When They’re Not Looking

4. Romantic relationships for them are not a lifeline.

Some people firmly believe that a romantic relationship can solve all their life problems. Of course, this obsession with love makes them ignore other warning signs. It is not hard to guess that future relationships end up under tremendous pressure from biased expectations and fail.

People with similar expectations do not perceive their partner as a person. Instead, a person obsessed with relationships begins to paint in his subconscious an ideal picture of love, where their significant other fully supports him and exists exclusively for him. In general, this whole idyll lasts exactly until the moment when there is some kind of romance in the relationship. Later, it all comes down to normal communication.

A person who is able to contain his romantic fervor and not prioritize it leads a more balanced life. He has the time and desires to deal not only with relationships but also with the development of his personality. He does not deceive himself, believing that relationships are a panacea for all problems.

An independent person can easily satisfy their own needs and know how to take responsibility. Thanks to this, he has the opportunity to more seriously approach the formation of relationships in the future.

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